
Friday, February 3, 2012

Taking the plunge

I am at a place in my life where for the most part, I am "secure".  Not so much in growing as a believer or in the struggle to adapt to life as it changes, but secure in my faith, my God, and what is right and what is wrong.  Despite my failings as a believer, there is a core of me, established by God, that is rock-solid steady in who HE is, and because of that, my worldview feels just as solid.

As a believer, wife and mom, I look at the world around me with disappointment and hurt.  I know that God is sovereign and that our world is fallen, so I don't project those feelings onto God - He is more heartbroken that I at our world.  Yet, I am at a loss, at times, to know what to do about it?  Do I go about my day to day life, quietly loving Jesus and teaching my kids to do the same?  Do I become vocal, speaking out about the things that are contrary to the the Lord? When situations arise, do I speak out among my friends, social circle, my virtual circle?  What is required of my as a believer to make a stand for Christ?

These questions, and many more, have really been on my heart for the last few months, and thus, this blog has emerged.  It was born really, out of a sense that facebook was not the forum of choice to sort through these questions, nor was it the forum to engage completely in an issue.  Too little space, immense potential for miscommunication and lack of depth were of few of the inherent pitfalls that led me to that realization..

My direction from this point on will be to use this blog as a vehicle for two things:  taking a stand for Christ, and creating a place to fully investigate and report that stand.  Prayerfully, the Lord will bless the endeavor and give me wisdom and understanding as I sort through issues.  One verse that has repeatedly come to mind as I've participated (or instigated) mini-debates on facebook is from 1 Corinthians 13 where Paul says "If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or clanging cymbal."  I want, above all, to be covered in the love of Christ so that He is able to use any of my humble words for His purpose.

With that, I am cautiously but firmly stepping out from the bank, into the raging river of life as we know it, and with God's help, swimming against the rapids of "the way things are".

May God guide my heart, cover my attitude, give me humility and clarity.  Amen. 

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

My first post

This blog will be an outlet for me to post, to think and to postulate on life as someone who doesn't conform to the "mainstream" of our society. Hope you enjoy, and that if nothing else, these issues make you think.